Is there really still a boxing day bounce in the House Building industry?

So much talk of the boxing day bounce which has been seen for years across the housing market, but we are not in the same market people’s lives have changed, buying behaviours have changed. When you look back over the years there would be people would have to save for...

Three Innovative Ways Housebuilders Can Generate Leads

The property market is always changing. Have your lead generation methods adapted?

4 Ways to Maximise Conversion Rates

Tactics that deliver results to improve your top line.

10 lead generation strategies for housebuilders

10 lead generation strategies for housebuilders

Lead generation strategies are critical for any business, but techniques used to bring in new prospects vary depending on the industry. Fortunately, marketing has always been a strong point in property, which means there are all kinds of lead generation strategies...

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Six marketing campaign tips for housebuilders

Six marketing campaign tips for housebuilders

Finding new customers can often be harder than building a new home. For many housebuilders, planning an effective, measurable marketing campaign without spending a fortune is hard to come by. Consumer behaviour changes. Online algorithms change. Data protection...

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Why GDPR is good for business

Why GDPR is good for business

For all of the challenges GDPR brings with it, there are opportunities in equal measure. The imminent deadline has, undoubtedly, kept many property marketers and business owners awake at night. But instead of counting sheep or hammering the Horlicks, looking beyond...

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